Hobbies For Women Over 50 --- Amazing Ideas from the Sixty And Me Community

SixtyAndMe.com (Lifestyle)
by Margaret Manning
November 20, 2021


One of the best things about life as we get older is that we finally have a little extra time to do the things we love. Having interesting hobbies keeps our minds and bodies active while we transition into our senior years. This is the time to look into what interests you and what sparks your curiosity.

Do you have a passion for certain activities that you have secretly wanted to do? Do you want to produce magic with paints, wool, or glass? Or maybe you want to create beauty with words and music?

As women, we seem to have a universal desire to express our creativity. We have an insatiable desire to shape order from chaos and to create things that never existed before.

What Are Hobbies

Hobbies are activities you do that are not work-related and that typically are not remunerated. They can take up as little or as much of your time as you wish. You can do them alone, with a loved one, or in a group.

Hobbies shape our personalities, energize, inspire, and sometimes connect us with other like-minded people. They often end up bringing meaning to our lives. Doing something creative or maybe sports-related can relax us and help us unwind.

It can be anything from knitting to paddleboarding. Find the things that interest you and give them a try. You can try several different things and stick with the ones that you are the most passionate about.

So Many Hobbies to Choose From

When I asked the Sixty and Me Community to tell me about their favorite hobbies, the answers were as diverse and fabulous as the thousands upon thousands of women from around the world who shared their passions with me.

Some had eclectic hobbies, others were more traditional. If you are looking for a new hobby, I hope that you find their suggestions intriguing and valuable.

Have a hobby of your own to suggest? Please don’t forget to add it in the comments at the end of this article.

Let’s explore the types of hobbies that women over 50 wrap their hearts around – some of them may surprise you!

Arts and Crafts

Arts and Crafts were a popular response from our Sixty and Me community. Does one of the below take your fancy but you don’t know where to start? Why not look for a local class to get started, not only will you get a new hobby, but you might meet some new friends too!

  • Cooking / Cake Decorating suggested by Marie, Ginger, Regine, Margaret, and Barbara.

  • Sewing / Embroidery / Knitting / Quilting / Crocheting / Traditional Felting / Rug Hooking / Beading / Needlepoint / Hand Spinning suggested by Marie, Joan, Christine, Jean, Marian, Toni, Sandy, Laura, Barb, Claudia, Shirley, Jane, Barbara, Jill, and Michelle.

  • Gardening / Flower Arranging suggested by Marie, Sheila, Fay, Pat, Linda, Rahimah, Regine, Petula, Barbara, and Rosemarie.

  • Scrapbooking / Making Cards / Making Jewellery suggested by Becky, Pat, Phyllis, Kirsten, Toni, Carol, and Ann.

  • Stained Glass / Painting / Drawing / Calligraphy / Making Mosaics / Pottery suggested by Celeste, Ho Oy, Kirsten, Janet, Karen, Barbara, and Jill.

  • Decorating suggested by Pam and Regine.

Sports and Movement

Keeping moving as we age is really great for our health. We loved some of the adventurous hobbies you have such as Stand Up Paddleboarding (or SUP as you will often see it called) right through to the less strenuous (but just as good for you) suggestions of Tai Chi and waking on the beach. Not lucky enough to live by the sea? Why don’t you get a group of friends together and explore your local area? 

  • Swimming / Yoga / Jazzercise / Tai Chi / Cycling /Aqua Aerobics suggested by TC, Liz, Regine, Jennifer, Barbara, Char, Barbara, and Rosemarie.

  • Playing Golf suggested by Ginger.

  • Dancing suggested by Pam, Hineora, Regine, and Rosemarie.

  • Stand Up Paddling suggested by Jan.

  • Horseback Riding / Dressage suggested by Gillian, Janet, Kate, and Sandra.

  • Walking on the Beach suggested by Liz and Gabriela.

  • Dog Walking / Dog Training / Pets suggested by Ann, Barbara and Ann.

Traveling and Exploring

People always say they wish they could take better photos, particularly whilst traveling. If you want to improve your travel snaps why not sign up to Masterclass and learn from some of the best?

  • Shopping / Flea Markets / Garage Sales suggested by Marie, TC, Linda, Petula, and Sara Jane.

  • Visiting Friends and Family / Entertaining suggested by Barbara, Rosalia, Linda, Pam, and Pat.

  • Visiting Libraries and Museums suggested by Rosalia.

  • Traveling / Exploring Parks suggested by Rosalia, Jean, Barbara, and Jill.

  • Sailing / Camping / Hiking suggested by Pam, TC, Regine, Char, and Barb.

  • Photography / Bird Watching / Wildlife suggested by Celeste, Marian, Rahimah, Liv, Debra, and Barbara.


What a great hobby music is – whether you write, play or listen, it can really change your mood. With a pair of headphones, you can also take it anywhere.

  • Singing / Writing Songs suggested by Bridget, Janice, Liz, Carolina, and Marietta.

  • Playing Music / Listening to Music suggested by Linda, Janice, Carolina, Regine, and Karen.

Home Bodies

All of these are great examples of hobbies you can have without leaving the comfort of your home. Unsurprisingly, reading was a very popular choice.

  • Watching TV / Watching Movies / Surfing the Internet / Playing on iPad suggested by Averyl, Kathleen, Toni, and Sonia.

  • Journaling / Writing suggested by Deborah, Barb, and Carolina.

  • Armchair Traveling suggested by Jan.

  • Crosswords / Sudoku suggested by Linda and Marina.

  • Reading suggested by Marie, Barbara, Rosalia, Becky, Linda, Bridget, Averyl, Teresa, TC, Pat, Toni, Regine, Barb, Jane, Ann, Esperanza, Barbara, and Barbara.


  • Volunteering suggested by Ginger and Diana.
  • Spiritual Activities suggested by Bea.
  • Amateur Drama / Community Radio suggested by Clarissa and Mary.
  • Learning a new language suggested by Carolina.
  • Genealogy suggested by Chris.

And then we had Deirdre who said:

“Friends and family, dressmaking, sewing, knitting, gardening, cooking, interior design, decorating, reading, involvement in classic car club and classic cars, our motorhome and traveling, learning new skills and crafts, on-line courses, and anything that takes my fancy.”

I love the fact that Deirdre said that her hobbies were anything that took her fancy. For me, that’s what a hobby should be.

Do you see any hobbies for women over 50 on the list that you want to try? Are there any other hobbies that you would like to recommend to the rest of the community? Please let us know. Let’s have a conversation!


Original Article of SixtyAndMe.com‘s Margaret Manning Re-Posted Here by SAF StabilityAndFamily

Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at margaret@sixtyandme.com

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