Welcome to Stability And Family, also known by SAF 
SAF’s history spans back to 1998 before the turn of the century, when co-founding member of SAF, David Kiselak, was first licensed and certified with the state of Texas.
Even before he too experienced loses in his own life, David began with a dream of positively impacting people when he initially started Texas Life & Health to help change the insurance industry.
The vision is simply to be known for responsibly providing security to families through programs designed to protect the longevity of society’s core, the family unit. (Who would you be protecting in your family unit or your core?)
So what began as a noble idea changed quickly into a heartfelt cause when his brother-in-law Mark, who’s “terminal illness” made him uninsurable four years earlier at only 33 years of age. Mark immediately came to ask David to help him get more life insurance coverage because he knew, more was needed.
However after auditing Mark’s current insurance program, David, obviously very respectfully and mannerly advised Mark to keep it in place due to uninsurability at that time.
Mark passed at age 41 on September 19, 2002 leaving behind David’s sister and their two almost teenage children.

And although Yes David always “understood” the importance to get this insurance in place, at that point David realized how truly impactful emotionally, as well as financially, such a critical illness and death of a loved one can have on the family.
"Honestly, it quickly and truly 'becomes so really real' that people definitely should get this coverage!!"
by David Kiselak, SAF Advisor Tweet

Now Using SAF To Protect The Stability For All The Families Who Want It
As time moved along with David determined to add more stability to people’s lives, SAF began sponsoring more Charity and Community Outreach programs giving back to the community!!
So know whether SAF Advisors and Clients are consistently coming together for another of…
- Spokes4Hope Charity Events, or
- “Clothe-A-Kid” with Kids Matter International, or
- literally helping with Donating to FFC Charity & Social Outreach Programs for simply feeding people who need it.
Either Way You Know now, that SAF StabilityAndFamily IS Here for You & All that We Serve!
Now today SAF, or StabilityAndFamily, put together various plans providing for Final Expense, Mortgage Protection, Medicare Supplements (Med Supps or Medigap), SAF Retirement Income Security Options, Long-Term Care Polices and, Dental + Vision & Hospital Indemnity as well as other financial programs, allowing David and other SAF Advisors do exactly what they set out to do for everyone…
Use SAF to Protect Stability for the Family.